Ionic Aqua Chi Detox Footbath
Top 10 Reasons For Using an Aqua Cleanse Spa for YOUR body:
HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS: which will increase your metabolism, reactivate the body’s fat burning mechanisms, release the fat cells that hold toxins, reduce cellulite & easily maintain the weight that is correct for you.
MORE ENERGY, BETTER STATE OF MIND: think more clearly, feel lighter, and have energy which will boost your well being.
RESTORE AND REGAIN HEALTH: create a stronger immunity for yourself. Have fewer aches and pains, reduce allergies and flu symptoms, help activate the body’s NATURAL intelligence to heal itself.
RID YOUR BODY OF TOXINS: eliminate the discomfort of detox, remove heavy metals, chemicals & toxins easily & comfortably from your body.
RECEIVE RELIEF: of discomfort from sore and aching joints, which are symptoms of arthritis and bursitis.
MAINTAIN GOOD HEALTH: Obtain high energy levels and long term wellness.
UNBURDEN YOUR BODY: of herbicides, pesticides, colorings, additives, preservatives and other untold chemicals that reside our water, food and air.
QUICK, EASY AND AFFORDABLE SOLUTION: The more toxins we maintain, the faster we age & the faster our bodies breaks down. The immediate benefits are an increase in energy & overall well being, a healthier disposition, a better state of mind, weight loss, an increased metabolism, improved digestion which will help in restoring balance to the body & its organs & lessening the body’s symptoms of discomfort. The aging process is slowed & the skin is able to rejuvenate itself correctly, THE WAY NATURE INTENDED!
SLOW THE AGING PROCESS AND LOOK YOUNGER: Clear skin, remove rough discolored areas, smoothen dark areas under the eyes, lighten our skins color & NATURAL beauty will immediately radiate through. The aging of our skin slows & we are able to gain a more youthful appearance.
REJUVENATION: look & feel great, inside & out, beautify skin & hairABOUT THIS PRODUCT: The Aqua Cleanse Spa is a professional detoxification system which helps with total body purification. Ions are atoms or molecules that in most cases carry either a positive or negative charge. When the machine is turned on ions are created in the water. When the unit is set to positive, the current is directed to the positive pole, which produces more negative ions in the water. Therefore, a positive polarity generates a negative ion flow which, raises blood pH from acidic toward alkaline in scientific studies. When the detox unit is set to negative, the current is directed to the negative pole, and the oppostie occurs, which results in more positive ions in the water. Therefore, negative polarity generates a positive ion flow which lowers blood pH from alkaline toward acidic.
In today’s world it is ESTIMATED that at least 95% of people in our modern society experience a state of acidity or chemical imbalance within their bodies, which causes an excess of hydrogen ions, and their blood pH is lower than 7.45. These people will greatly benefit from exposure to high concentrations of negatively charged ions.
The Aqua Cleanse Spa is an amazing system with modern methods for detoxifying your entire body. The method of bathing your feet in warm water while using positive and negative ions from an ion generator is genius! The process is known as electrolysis. The array is the actual ion generator device that is soaked into the water to create the ion charges and flows within that solution. It functions by activating the cells, improving your metabolism and detoxifying all the organs, assisting the body in restoring to health, enhance immunity, prevent pathogens, and ultimately renewing the body and mind.
The way Ionization works is a water molecule is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. When the molecule loses a hydrogen atom, the remaining OH molecule takes on a negative charge. As you walk along the beach your body absorbs millions of these negatively charged ions, which alkalize the blood and tissue. A healthy person should contain 80% negative electrons and 20% positive electrons. In most cases, poor diet and high stress are the main cause as we tend to accumulate and store excessive quantities of waste products. Some of these waste products can include many acids such as diacetic, pyruvic, lactic, butyric , uric, carbonic, acetic and hepatic acids.
Price Per Treatment …………………………………………………………………………………….. | $59 |
Packages Available………………………………………………………….. | CALL FOR PRICE |
* Packages expire 6-12 months from the date of purchase
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